Learn How To Treat Poison Ivy.. The Right Way!
Have you ever treated poison ivy, thinking you have completely dominated the plant into submission, only for it to grow back in a few weeks or months?
We know the feeling.
Many of our clients have experienced that same sense of defeat.
You don't need to feel that way.
Once you take this course, you will be a Poison Ivy Slaying Ninja!
Austin Douglas, an ISA Certified Arborist and Owner of Ditch The Itch - Poison Ivy and Mosquito Control Services located in Goodrich, Michigan, will be guiding you through this course to ensure you have everything you need to truly dominate your poison ivy into submission and wipe it off the face of the planet once and for all.
He will share some helpful tips and tricks that he has learned through his 10 year career remediating poison ivy for home owners just like you.
Buy The Course TODAY and save yourself and your family from Poison Ivy's Horrible Effects!
In Our Poison Ivy Remediation Business
We Charge:
$90.00 for a Property Inspection
$595.00 for Two Herbicide Applications (As a Base Price)
$200.00 for Poison Ivy Maintenance the Year After our Initial Treatment